I am _not_ David Koch.
image of david koch from sunrise
Look at this beautiful egg shaped man, now look at me.
image of me robert koch
Don't be fooled by how much we're #twinning we couldn't be more different. Well we're both white Australian males, but David is 38 years older than me.
As the chairman of the Port Adelaide Football Club David gets a lot of "fan" support. But sometimes in the heat of the moment his critics will mistake his twitter handle of @kochie_online with mine @kochie.
Oof Leigh, tell me how you really feel.
Michael really doesn't like me :(
Archie is upset a commercial TV show has no scientific data on it. May I suggest ABC News Archie?
And it's not just his detractors, politicians get it wrong... all. the. time.
But don't feel bad if you can't tell us apart. His co-host couldn't either.
I get in on the fun too.
But Alas, all good things must come to an end.
Or so I thought! I present my pièce de résistance!
If I was the Chairman of the Port Adelaide Football Club this would already be on their t-shirts.
Also some copy pasta
Also to all the cowards out there who delete your mistake as soon as I tell you. I see you...
screen grab of tweet1screen grab of tweet2screen grab of tweet3screen grab of tweet4screen grab of tweet5
Even you Josh.
screen grab of tweet1 from joshscreen grab of tweet2 from josh
But hey it could be worse, at least no one thinks I'm this David Koch.
image of David Koch from Koch Brothers.